Weight Loss

Sunday, 13 April 2008

It is getting expensive!

I spent the day shopping and I still get a thrill when I fit into a size 18 so it ended up being very expensive. Funnily enough it is probably most women s nightmare to be a size 18 but after being a lot bigger it feels great...

I have put a bet with DH he needs to lose 10Kg and I need some motivation for the next stone so here it is: Whoever loses the weight firsts (Him 10Kg,Me 7Kg well it is easier for men...) gets £100. It is all meant in good spirit of course.

I went to the gym today again but I did take it easier especially as I am due again tomorrow with PT.

I have a moral dilemma: I have a friend who wants to do the 5Km with me, she just wants to walk the whole course.The issue is for me this is becoming a personal challenge I want to run at least part of it. She is a lot smaller than me but not very fit: I could do with the company but at the same time I want to do it at my pace. What shall I do?

Tomorrow we should get the confirmation that we are going ahead with the IUI. I am doing my best to distract myself and not think of the treatment or what we will do afterwards if t does not work.

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